We had a strong over-wintered hive that was very crowded in early April so added a super of new foundation. You tube suggested a split, but weather was still in 30s at night and I worried chilling the brood that spanned all three boxes so didn't split.
There is lots of honey and lots of nectar. Well it swarmed two weeks ago and we tried and failed to corral them and they took off. A swarm was quite an experience.
Got back into that hive 5/4/21 & found a healthy looking queen who was being taken care of but no eggs, and very little brood. Lots of capped honey. But found 8 or 9 capped queen cells at the bottom of frames smack in the center of the 2 shallow/1 deep colony. I am inclined to believe they know better than I how to requeen so I'm going to wait to do anything.
Question 1: with the brood break now seems a good time to mite treat with the ApiVarLife I got with the nuc last month. Is it dangerous to treat until after the queens fight it out and do a maiden flight?
Question 2: would it be ok to take off some of that honey to give them more room? Thanks in advance.