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Swarm List

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  • 30 May 2021 8:33 PM
    Reply # 10575717 on 10573516
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jason has been reverted to his original position in the queue.  Sorry for the issue.

  • 29 May 2021 8:49 PM
    Reply # 10573643 on 10573516
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Jason, sorry for your bad experience. It pays to ask the person reporting the swarm to snap and send a picture once you make contact with them, before heading to the location. Swarms may continue for several more weeks. If you would like, TVBA can reset your position on the swarm list so this trip doesn't count.

  • 29 May 2021 7:21 PM
    Message # 10573516
    Deleted user

    I finally was ready and able to claim a swarm alert today and it turned out to be a wasp nest in someone’s attic crawl space. Are we getting to the end of swarm season?

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