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Requeen Questions....Lack of visible Larva.

  • 30 Aug 2020 9:18 AM
    Message # 9200162

    Yesterday I went thru our 8 frame, two storey (lower deep & upper shallow) hive.  This was the TVBA NUC from April 2020.

    Found the Queen but saw no eggs nor larva.  Quite a bit of capped/emerging bees.   Saw four or five queen cells, maybe one almost capped. (I remain confused by supercedure vs. swarm cells)

    Went ahead and put in a single MAQS to mite treat before hot days return.  Will do second in a couple weeks.

    Question: why no uncapped larva?   Has the Queen pooped out?  Or has it something to do with the end of summer/nectar flow?

    If I need a replacement Queen, I would apprecciate advice on where can I buy one.

    Thanks in advance.

    Dennis Boardman & Andrea Trautwein

    Moved from General Bee Topics, including how to obtain bees: 23 Aug 2021 6:13 AM
  • 3 Sep 2020 9:25 AM
    Reply # 9209920 on 9200162

    Watching this post for answers from more experienced keepers because I have some similar issues and a supercedure possible. Found  6-10 large larva as well as capped queen cells (in my supposedly excluded honey super) during extraction on 7/27. I gently brushed the larva onto the bottom brood whereupon they each were engulfed by mounds of bees that  eerily flowed down into the brood. Left out excluder and closed up hive. Now waiting.

  • 29 Sep 2020 9:28 PM
    Reply # 9273457 on 9200162
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I have three of four hives that are broodless at this time... I was very surprised to find so many hives in trouble (all were swarm captures from this year)

    Saw the queen in one (by chance). All are gathering pollen still... No aggressive behavior or other outward signs that something is wrong. No signs of robbing. One has a small amount of 5-7 day larvae through capped brood. Others just have a small number of capped brood. Not the numbers of capped brood, larvae and egg I would be expecting to see for hives that occupy 2-3 mediums at this time of year and the good weather.

    I'm considering invasive actions to determine if all three have queens have failed and requeen... combine.. or some combination thereof.

  • 6 Oct 2020 10:31 AM
    Reply # 9287463 on 9200162

    Not sure what is going on, however re-queening this late is the season usually does not work.  By the time the new queen is released and laying will be the end of October or early November.

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