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Packages lost. Any more nucs?

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  • 13 Aug 2021 7:14 AM
    Reply # 10929301 on 10340652

    Richard, I have come to that conclusion as well.

  • 12 Aug 2021 9:47 PM
    Reply # 10928557 on 10340652
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Unless you have specific genetic goals, it seems to me you would be better off getting local bees rather than mail order. Plus you won't have to deal with the aftermath of the American Tourister Baggage Handler. That must have been excruciating waiting for your packages and then having losses on top.

    Local bees have natural genetics likely favoring the local weather and nectar flows, where as mail order bees may take a few generations of breeding in your locale to catch up to where local bees start genetics wise.

    In my eyes, You want genetic traits that match our local weather mostly being able to overwinter, then honey/brood production, then hygiene. Working on genetics is pointless if you can't get a colony overwinter. Local bees are your best start.

  • 4 May 2021 12:41 PM
    Reply # 10441917 on 10340652

    for those interested in the outcome of this saga,  to our surprise- the replacement shipment from MannLake contained 3 packages (we only ordered 2) arrived safely via USPS , so we scrambled to create an additional hive.  they appeared to be very healthy, low mortality during transit, accepted the queen and are busy building out comb. Still a sad story about the original shipment and UPS bungling it, and killing all those bees, but we are now happy and hopeful for the 3 new hives.

  • 30 Apr 2021 2:41 PM
    Reply # 10415126 on 10340652

    I finally got the packages mid morning on Thursday 4/29. The Post Office lady brought them up to the counter saying”they don’t look so good”. She was right. Mostly dead bees and a sour odor. I hustled up to the bee yard on Pumpkin Ridge and opened a “Bee Bus” the plastic shipping cage. No queen cage was evident. There was a plastic feeder jar with looked like remnants of blue sugar jelly and the bottom of the bee bus was 2” thick with dead, wet and sticky stinky bees. I dumped them atop an empty deep hoping to find a loose queen cage. No go.

    Miles Seely had consented to come up and help me inspect my nucs and, hurrah!, we found lots of larvae. On his suggestion (thank you, Miles!) I placed the two remaining bee busses in the prepared deeps (after removing four frames to make room), installed the queen excluder, put the jelly feeder on top of the frames, and let any survivors find the fully drawn frames. Hopefully with a queen.

    Alas, by morning the bus was empty and a tennis ball sized cluster was all that remained of the package. Miles, your suggestion saved a lot of messy cleanup!

    Mann Lake will refund my cost but that is unlikely to endear them to me. It is the whole process of buying from afar, and in this case TWO failed shipments, which convinces me that local is the only way to go. Don’t get me started on eight days of anxiety (amiright Sherwood Christiansens?)!

    In the end I have three new hive setups which will be empty this year. But on the upside there are three thriving TVBA nucs in my little aviary and I’m grateful for that. Next year fer sure

  • 25 Apr 2021 8:50 AM
    Reply # 10348863 on 10340652

    hi Ken- thanks for tip re Bridgetown Bees-I was about to call them this morning when I received an incoming automated vmail- apparently Mann Lake is going to ship replacement packages via USPS on tuesday the 27th- they also emailed me a copy of 0$ replacement sales order.  This is unexpected good news- they had previously told me they were sold out and could not replace---  I will update post when I have more (hopefully reciept of bees :) 

  • 24 Apr 2021 10:25 AM
    Reply # 10346055 on 10340652

    Glen Andresen of Bridgetown Bees says he has extra NUCs.  Saw him this morning (4/24/21)  at one of PUB's NUC distributions. He said he would welcome calls.  Telephone 503-333-9271 mobile; 503-282-8844 work.  e-mail

  • 23 Apr 2021 6:28 PM
    Reply # 10344148 on 10343417
    Anonymous wrote:

    We are in Sherwood OR,  and similar to Ken, we had 2 packages w Italian queens that left SAC on Monday 19th, and UPS destroyed them. I actually went to UPS site and looked through the trailer- there was sugar water all over the trailer bed, lots of dead bees and about a hundred flying around. No packages anywhere to be found. UPS said there were other bee shipments on that trailer in addition to ours,,  So sad, and disappointing.

    Now we are scrambling and everyone appears to be sold out.  if anyone has any leads on availability please let me know. we have never started from Nuc, but willing to learn :)  

    thank you- Todd and Shannon Christiansen

    phone/text 214.649.6026  

    Can your supplier replace them? Was it a truck crash? My single UPS update said the truck was "delayed" in Roseburg. Debby Gorman provided a couple of local sources that may be able to help. Terribly sorry for this stressful event.

    Mann Lake told me that another truckload shipment, to Arizona, was also "destroyed", but no information on how. Are there domestic terrorist cults that have it in for beekeepers? :-)

  • 23 Apr 2021 5:52 PM
    Reply # 10343998 on 10340652

    Thank you, Debby. Mann Lake was able to get Oliveria to create replacement packages, despite being sold out. I will keep your suggestions in my records.

  • 23 Apr 2021 5:49 PM
    Reply # 10343995 on 10340652

    Mann Lake called me today (4/23) and they will ship replacements on 4/27. Via USPS!

  • 23 Apr 2021 1:22 PM
    Reply # 10343417 on 10340652

    We are in Sherwood OR,  and similar to Ken, we had 2 packages w Italian queens that left SAC on Monday 19th, and UPS destroyed them. I actually went to UPS site and looked through the trailer- there was sugar water all over the trailer bed, lots of dead bees and about a hundred flying around. No packages anywhere to be found. UPS said there were other bee shipments on that trailer in addition to ours,,  So sad, and disappointing.

    Now we are scrambling and everyone appears to be sold out.  if anyone has any leads on availability please let me know. we have never started from Nuc, but willing to learn :)  

    thank you- Todd and Shannon Christiansen

    phone/text 214.649.6026  

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