Thanks these are great questions and congrats on your over-wintering and splits. I will try to share my experience.
1. The smoke certainly can condense on the uncapped honey in the super, but I have been using smoke from below and on the main brood box without trouble, If most of the honey cells are capped then you should not have contamination. The takeaway: I smoke at the entrance and a little on the brood box, but not the super directly and it has worked well for me.
2. Dr. Seeley may use both 10 and 8 frame boxes and google shows many beekeepers overwinter with 8-frame medium's (6 5/8" frames) and I think our expert beekeeper Steve Gomes overwinters 8-frame mediums.
3. You can clean the tools with alcohol. I use ever clear (ethanol), but I think isopropyl works well too. You likely can use petroleum distillates, but you should wash in soap and water after. Jeff Clark had guidance for the gloves that I have yet to try. He says, to buy one size too small of leather gloves then put them on a wash your gloved hands. I think you could do this with the solvent followed by hand soap and water. I have not tried it, but my gloves are due for a wash. For stubborn propolis on the hive tools, I would resort to bar-keepers friend and a synthetic steel wool that is an all-powerful cleaner. Regarding the gloves, Dr. Seeley recommend these long 12" Ansell 5mil nytrile gloves at our meeting a few months ago:
He says he re-uses them until he cannot use them again.
I hope this helps, I I expect Jeff and Steve to chime in.