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A few random questions-feedback needed!

  • 8 Jun 2021 11:05 AM
    Reply # 10605568 on 10587482

    Super helpful, thanks for your reply Eddie!

    I updated my original post and added two more questions to my list. Haha! 

  • 4 Jun 2021 10:29 AM
    Reply # 10591788 on 10587482

    Thanks these are great questions and congrats on your over-wintering and splits.    I will try to share my experience.

    1. The smoke certainly can condense on the uncapped honey in the super, but I have been using smoke from below and on the main brood box without trouble,  If most of the honey  cells are capped then you should not have contamination.  The takeaway: I smoke at the entrance and a little on the brood box, but not the super directly and it has worked well for me.

    2. Dr. Seeley may use both 10 and 8 frame boxes and google shows many beekeepers overwinter with 8-frame medium's (6 5/8" frames) and I think our expert beekeeper Steve Gomes overwinters 8-frame mediums.  

    3.  You can clean the tools with alcohol.  I use ever clear (ethanol), but I think isopropyl works well too.  You likely can use petroleum distillates, but you should wash in soap and water after.  Jeff Clark had guidance for the gloves that I have yet to try.  He says, to  buy one size too small of leather gloves then put them on a wash your gloved hands.    I think you could do this with the solvent followed by hand soap and water.  I have not tried it, but my gloves are due for a wash.  For stubborn propolis on the hive tools, I would resort to bar-keepers friend and a synthetic steel wool that is an all-powerful cleaner.  Regarding the gloves,  Dr. Seeley recommend  these long 12" Ansell 5mil  nytrile gloves at our meeting a few months ago:

    He says he re-uses them until he cannot use them again.

    I hope this helps, I I expect Jeff and Steve to chime in.



  • 3 Jun 2021 8:35 AM
    Message # 10587482


    I’m in my second year of beekeeping. 

    1. Should I avoid using smoke around my honey supers when checking on them? Wondering if the honey will absorb it and taste smoky.

    2. A few meetings ago Mr. Seeley said he intentionally limits and overwinters his hives in one deep box. I was interested in trying this with some of mine in the future but I only have 8 frame boxes. Would they be too small? Or is it all about the health, mite levels and ratio of bees to stores? To clarify, my question is if it's possible to overwinter a small hive in one deep 8 frame box.

    3. Propolis- everything is getting super messy. What do I use to clean off my hive tools, outside of bee boxes where I’ve touched them with dirty gloves, etc?

    4. Vivaldi box. Do I leave it on year round? I basically use it as my top cover, under the telescoping top. Should I remove the burlap in my vavaldi box during the summer for better ventilation, either from the hot weather or to help them dry out the honey better?

    5. If a hive is requeening itself, at what age/day of the new queen's development does the old queen usually swarm? 

    I successfully overwintering one hive this winter and successfully split it twice. I now have three hives, new queens started laying last week. Big thanks to the club and all the helpful meetings. You guys are awesome!

    Last modified: 14 Jun 2021 9:59 AM | Anonymous member
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