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Bald-faced hornet?

  • 3 Nov 2021 9:54 PM
    Reply # 12098253 on 12098161
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A colony of those nested near my garage door one year.

    They dug trenches in my fence boards harvesting wood to make the paper nest.

    They are not "Murder Hornets", they are not aggressive, but are defensive.

    I have not seen any sniffing around my hives, I do have a constant armada of yellow jackets patrolling the yard.

    Fred Dunn may have a video about them. I know he is not particularly fond of them.

  • 3 Nov 2021 9:15 PM
    Message # 12098161

    during hive inspections this past weekend (such awesome weather!)  found this thing flying nearby. Shannon swatted it out of the air and I finished it off.   Quick web search found similar pics, appears to be Bald-faced hornet.  we also noticed on the sticky board below one of the hives had lots of "legs" so we suspect there was some fighting going on inside.  we didnt see any others, and are not sure if/where nest may be. its a bit disturbing as the info indicates just one hornet can kill about 40 bees/minute.

    its new to us, anyone have experience with these? any advice?  

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