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?Queen Right Hive

  • 1 Jun 2022 1:41 PM
    Reply # 12802040 on 12801918

    I wish I knew what to do as well! I have a similar situation, but see no eggs but plenty of drone brood. If I have a laying worker I don't think I can introduce a replacement queen.

  • 1 Jun 2022 12:16 PM
    Message # 12801918

    I had 2 hives swarm this year.  Pic1 & Pic2 from Hive2 is going as expected, with way more brood this week than last.

    Pic3, Pic4, &Pic5 are from my Hive1.  Was just thinking a later swarm, going to catch up.  Not seeing any capped brood, but Pics3-4 "could" be eggs/larvae.  When I enlarge the cell pictures, I think I may be seeing double, off-centered eggs or crazy-looking larva.  I do have an capped queen cell (think Pic5).  If so, the possible workers laying eggs trumps/wipes out the possible new queen, right?  Bottomline - what am I seeing and what should I be doing/watching for with my weaker hive?


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