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  • New package- appears queen stopped laying?

New package- appears queen stopped laying?

  • 13 May 2023 8:57 AM
    Reply # 13201100 on 13200729
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Some mite treatments will cause a pause in brood rearing I believe?

    Are you feeding?

  • 12 May 2023 2:21 PM
    Reply # 13200955 on 13200729

    Does the queen have some frames with empty drawn comb available to lay eggs into? If so, are those frames close to the capped brood (and are the frames with the brood around the middle of the box?) And how is your hive configured, one deep box or two? Is there enough bees to build more comb?Before concluding that the queen is poorly mated (which is certainly a possibility), I would check the above first. If she was able to lay before, she should be able to continue.

  • 12 May 2023 7:57 AM
    Message # 13200729

    HI- we set up new package Apr 21- it started slowly, but did build out some frames, queen was laying, there are approx 2 frames of capped brood,  yesterday we inspected and observed no larva, no eggs.  Queen is there, wandering around, but no evidence of recent laying- which is concerning- not sure what happened or why she apparently stopped

    any advice?  will keep observing- but wondering if we should re-queen? there is no larva, so they dont have ability to start a replacement queen- 

    thanks for any help

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