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Swarm Commander

  • 24 Mar 2024 2:43 PM
    Reply # 13334037 on 13333736

    Thank you Rick.  Good information ! 

  • 24 Mar 2024 2:17 PM
    Reply # 13334029 on 13333736
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2022 was a big swarm year I collected so many colonies I was giving them away. It started the same day the club distributed NUC's 2nd week in April, I remember helping with the Club NUCs in the morning and collecting a swarm that afternoon.

    There is little need for swarm commander on used gear... Once the sun shines on a used box and warms it up they will find it. Smells like home!

    Last modified: 24 Mar 2024 2:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 24 Mar 2024 11:19 AM
    Reply # 13333983 on 13333736

    Thank you Debby. I sprayed it directly on the wood. . I've not heard yet on nuc arrival but definitely like your idea of airing out the boxes. Since this was my first attempt at catching swarms, I'm in the Hillsboro area.... When does 'swarm season' usually happen?  Has it started yet ? 

  • 24 Mar 2024 11:01 AM
    Reply # 13333976 on 13333736
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    How did you apply the Swarm Commander? I've never used Swarm Commander, but I've used lemongrass oil to invite swarms into empty boxes, and the norm is to put a dab on a cotton ball that is placed into the hive box, and that scented cotton ball is later easily removed. 

    Also, the scent should degrade/wear off over time. Does the product suggest how often you might need to re-apply it? That reapplication timeline would be guidance for how long it will take for the scent to clear out.

    I'd offer pragmatic counsel that once you know when your nucs will arrive, I'd take apart the boxes and frames that you applied the product to and let them air out something like a week prior to bees arrival. Hope this helps.

  • 23 Mar 2024 10:33 AM
    Message # 13333736

    So I may have messed up. We have a couple hives that left us late last fall. We have order new nucs but not arriving til April. So I thought to try catching swarms for first time - using empty deeps - until nucs arrive. I used Swarm Commander as a lure - now am wondering if when I dump my new nuc in there -will they take off d/t the Queen Pheromone from the SC ??  HELP !  

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