I still have around 18 mite test kits available free to members. If you would like one, please send me your email address and I will make arrangements to get one to you.
Steve Gomes, email: tauermunki@gmail.com
Are there still any of these kits available? I know a new-bee who could use ones.
Hello Steve,
I am a new member and just got hives set up with Mark Gorman's help. I want to get a baseline mite count soon and could use a kit.
Mark Smith Land: 503-357-8225 (please leave message) Cell 503-432-5933
mark@markcsmith.net Thank You! :)
If Steve is out I recommend the Ceracell mite wash kit.
Much higher quality easy to close and does not leak.
Sadly they are not yet stocked locally, I got mine from Blythewood Bee Co.