Good advice and reminders for us newbees. I have concerns this time of year as it seems my losses last year began to manifest about this time.
I inspected my brood boxes on July 16. The double deeps were packed with resources, uncapped brood, and hatching bees. One colony had two upper frames only partially drawn. The others had but one of those.
I put medium supers with plastic foundation on a month ago and exactly zero frames have been drawn out. My irrigated pollinator meadow is lush with clover, Clarkia, Gumweed, and other nectar producers. I also have 1/4 acre of buckwheat being worked hard by the bees.
I did two rounds of OAV for mites in June just before supering. With no comb drawn I don’t know if I should just pull the supers, wash for mites, and be resigned to no honey at all this year. What would the experts suggest? I am prepared to feed and I will install robbing screens this week.
My two Flow Hives do have activity; bees have sealed the honey cells but I can’t get a look at the center without taking them apart. So, I will wait for results a few more days with fingers crossed.
I will be grateful for your suggestions.