Hello beeks. Rick, thank you for the generous offer of cut comb. I found a source for frames with comb on them. I will install two in each of my four supers when they arrive.
Three of my double deep colonies have plenty of resources but were filling the brood comb with 1:1. I pulled the feeders the other day and did as you suggested Debbie, spritzed the plastic foundation with 1:1. I had previously painted them with melted beeswax. They crawl around on it but do not yet draw any comb. I sometimes think they are harvesting what I painted on to use elsewhere.
The 4th colony is shorter on resources so I left the feeder on for a few more days. They also put syrup into the brood comb.
As of Thursday there is little to no nectar flow. Likely picking up now but can’t visit the apiary again until next Thursday.
I hope that a couple of drawn frames, and the onset of nectar, will stimulate them to draw comb in the supers. Thanks again for the offer and adivce.