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Long Vacation/Bee Care

  • 1 Aug 2022 3:58 PM
    Message # 12869990

    Ii have the opportunity to go to the Netherlands for 5 weeks (August 10th - September 16th).  I have 2 hives - one strong and one with maybe a ?newly hatched queen (picture below, taken July 23rd, so would be anticipating brood August 15'ish).

    My question - what NEEDS to be done while I am gone?

    • I am assuming feeding, if the weather continues to be hot and nector sources decrease (not thrilled hubby may/will do).  
    • No brood in the weak hive, so no need to check for mites.  But, do check for the strong hive.  
    • Anything else for while I am gone?  Or, any suggestions for when I get back to make sure my weak hive has a better chance this winter?
    1 file
  • 3 Aug 2022 4:51 PM
    Reply # 12872471 on 12869990
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Jan, I'm wondering about your thought that no brood in weak hive means no mites, as there are "phoretic" mites that cling to bees. A brood break is good to knock mite populations back, but is no guarantee of no mites. And maybe the colony could be weak because of mites?

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