Did that big fat queen cell in the first pic hatch out?
Did you already have drawn comb to put the bees on? Who made the queen cell? When? If the bees made a queen they must have had one to start with. It appears the the bees have been on that comb for some time, and queenless as they are close to being honey bound, it looks like they are backfilling the brood area.
It may take as long as 2 weeks for her to start laying. She has to harden up, then she will do her mating flight. Then she will start laying.
Did the swarm issue from a tree hive, or were they bivouacked there? If this was a bivouacked swarm the queen is likely still on the tree if a significant number of bees stayed on the tree. Is the hive you put them in close to the tree (so maybe the rest of the swarm will follow).
If you still have bees on the tree I would gather them up with a bee vacuum. You may have split the swarm or you had multiple queens in a swarm. If you are local I can bring over a vac to capture them.