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spring thoughts

  • 20 Mar 2023 6:30 AM
    Message # 13138025
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Survivors! Half my bees made it through winter and my ham-fisted beekeeping. (Not beating my chest, very grateful, elated!)

    The Groot Hive even is a survivor!

    My biggest cause of loss was I believe, wet bottom boards. I had a learning experience about late feeding of syrup, another contributor was rain on the front porch (hive visors fixed that). Bottom boards still nasty with dead and fungus. I use a hook to clean them out but you cant reach the back corners. I need to solve this or plan to swap out bottom boards in Nov/December to give them a clean start.

    This season I'm looking to make splits with my survivors  and I hope to capitalize on a couple hundred acres of Vetch.

    I am excited to see bucket loads of pollen (willow?) going in the front door, if the Maple bloom does well we will be off to a booming start.

    I'm looking for a Linden tree (silver leaf) to plant in my front yard. :^) And starting up the box and frame assembly line....

    Last modified: 20 Mar 2023 7:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 21 Mar 2023 7:04 AM
    Reply # 13139425 on 13138025

    Great job, Rick!

    I have linden trees and they make lots of seedlings, which I'd be happy to share.  - Debby

  • 21 Mar 2023 7:05 AM
    Reply # 13139426 on 13138025

    And PS, the trick of slightly tipping your hives forward allows in-hive condensation better drainage and so helps to diminish the wet bottom boards.

  • 22 Mar 2023 4:54 AM
    Reply # 13140603 on 13138025
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Which flavor of linden?

    Bottom boards were angled to the front. I think a lot of my wet boards were self induced as I had syrup on them late in fall. I will not repeat that blunder.

  • 22 Mar 2023 9:51 AM
    Reply # 13141084 on 13138025

    I have the flavor of linden that is mature trees that came with my Hillsboro property. I believe they are European Linden. They absolutely roar with honeybee activity when they are in bloom.

  • 23 Mar 2023 11:27 PM
    Reply # 13143387 on 13138025
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I am looking for Silver Leaf Linden as it is a late season bloomer.

    My Mentor might be interested as he is in fresh new digs...

    How big are the starts? Fast or slow growing?

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